Bifrost x BiFi

Малик Галиев
2 min readFeb 4, 2021

Hello everyone Very cool news for those who want to earn money, this opportunity is provided by Bifrost and BiFi. All you need to do is click on the link next, join the telegram group and communicate. You can get your personal link from the BFC bot in Telegram by sending a message /link. Buy or Sell BFC on Uniswap

BITFROST- is the world’s first blockchain middleware that allows the use of multi-chain technology. Bifrost was founded in 2016 by a professor of financial engineering, a professor of computer science, and an expert in the development of financial platforms. Today, we are a team of 30 people with deep experience in finance, trading, software, and network security. You can see our entire team on our website (

What is a BIFI? Thanks to the multi-chain Bifrost technology, the Bifi project is a multi-chain Defi that will connect not only to Ethereum, but also to other blockchains such as Bitcoin, Tron, and Klaytn, thereby expanding the Defi ecosystem currently limited to Ethereum.

#Multichain #DeFi $BFC $BiFi

Convert Points into BFC_K Every Month

· When you participate in Telegram Groups with BFC Bot, you will earn Points in Telegram Groups with BFC Bot.

· Every month, Points will be converted into BFC_K.

· Converted BFC_Ks will be stored in Klaytn Wallet.

· For more information, see BFC Bot Commands.

Earn Points through Participation

· Attendance: 10 Points for first message on each day

· Referral: When you invite a new member, you both get 100 Points

· Participation: You earn points for sending messages (excluding commands, maximum once per minute, small bonus for longer messages).

· Jackpot: Win extra Points at random chance

EXP accumulates for Each Group

· EXP is calculated for each Group and it accumulates.

· For every 1 Point, you gain 1 EXP.

BFC_K from BFC Bot is a Klaytn-based Bifrost Token

· Klaytn-based BFC_K can be converted into Ethereum-based BFC on BiFi, Bifrost’s DeFi Platform.

